By engaging in the recycling of greases and fats, we help with the reduction of greenhouse gas and we preserve rivers and seas globally. All our products are also made responsibly and in the most sustainable way.
We help environmental efforts by supporting partners in recycling used vegetable oil, giving it a second purpose and preventing contamination of rivers and seas.
Deja enfriar el aceite
Deja que tu aceite esté en una temperatura segura para ser envasado.
Filtra y envasa
En un recipiente plástico con tapa, envasa el aceite con ayuda de un embudo. Utiliza un colador para remover los residuos solidos.
Una vez hayas llenado el recipiente con ACU, tápalo y verifica que no se derrame por ningún oficio.
Llámanos y programa tu recolección
vamos hasta tu establecimiento.
Verifica la información
Antes de entregar el residuo, verifica que el recolector está identificado con las credenciales de Seven Seas.
Pago y certificación
Una vez el recolector realice el pesaje del ACU, procederá a entregar el certificado de recolección y el pago correspondiente.
We contribute to the safeguard of our environment by forging connections with producers of alternative fuels that are made without the use of carbon intensive feedstockW
We validate the weight of oils
We validate the weight of oils. Once the drivers arrive from their routes, the product is unloaded and registered at the plant, being weighed on a certified scale.
Quality control
We verify the quality. As soon as the product is weighed, a sample is taken for laboratory analysis
Storing the oil
We then store the oil in our tanks.
Once the weight and quality of the product are validated, it is allowed entry into the plant’s processing area
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